12th day - MMP 298: "My Urgent Invitation" (excerpts)

source: "TO THE PRIESTS, OUR LADY'S BELOVED SONS - The Marian Movement of Priests" by Fr. Stefano Gobbi

the cenacle of prayer did help protect and prepare me for a spiritual battle (with some crazy negative spirits which were not affected by cleansing prayer) which i have encountered on 29 June 2014 (Sun). it lasted for almost a month (i think..). i feel so blessed that everything happened at the right time. even if i think i am fine now, i still think i'm in constant battle. i had no idea about spiritual preparation prior to supporting a formation as a prayer warrior except that i need to go to confession. i just wanted to help others without being known/seen...in my own little way.

well, i found out yesterday (27 Aug., Wed), that it was possible that during the time that i was in the prayer room, one of the participants got slain twice at noon time on the third day of the formation. this participant had high blood pressure and was rushed to the nearest clinic a day prior (second day of the formation). he was recommended to go home but he insisted to continue with the formation/retreat. the organizers of that event closely monitored his health status. on the third day of the formation, someone asked me and another person if we could go to the prayer room to fill in for the next hour. during the time when i was praying the part when i commanded the holy waters of their baptism to flow back to the participants, as an intercessor, i saw a short vision of an endless horizon of water which later on moved upwards. after that i felt i released a strong energy through the top of my head... the next hour, i attempted to pray the intercessory prayers (by reading it) alone while my prayer partner looked for some people to replace us. my friend saw the sick participant got slain without being approached by the priest during that time. he got up and got slain again. he cried aloud when he got up this time because he saw a vision of his dead parents inviting him to join them (negative entities posing as his parents..). he didn't want to go with them... i got scared when i learned this as the spirits that had clung to me that day were really heavy. i felt them pulling my shoulders downwards and they were trying to give me a fever (after praying, i ate lunch and felt like i was having a mild fever. what surprised me was that after i took a 500mg paracetamol, my body temperature increased. i felt i had a fever. it got worst when i got closer to the venue where the spiritual activity/formation was. i was not the only one who had a fever that day. i don't know why i brought 3 tablets of 500mg paracetamol that day. i usually would bring only 1 or 2 tablets. surprisingly, two other people fell ill with fever like myself. i know one them just came out of the prayer room...). i am blessed to be able to detect these negative spirits within me immediately. i consulted a shepherd and got prayed over by a pastoral elder. i felt 1 or 2 spirits leave my physical or spiritual self. however, it didn't end there. as i left the venue of the formation, i felt a bit confused and uneasy while looking for some keys on my small bag. i decided to visit the nearest adoration chapel so that i may be able to cast out and blind all the negative entities that still may have clung to me. i requested a priest to pray over me and then i attended the next mass schedule. During Communion, as the Holy Eucharist traveled down my throat, it left a track of positive energy. it exploded when it reached my chest area pushing all the negative energies out of me. this positive energy felt like drinking a menthol-flavored mouthwash (like Listerine) but without the aftertaste. i observed after a few weeks...i request for a pray over whenever i feel like i'm being under attack by God's adversary. it seems like this spiritual battle in endless. i am so grateful for God and the Blessed Virgin Mary for protecting me!