Showing posts with label PENTECOSTA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PENTECOSTA. Show all posts

Pentecost Sunday 06.04.2017

The Upper Room in Jerusalem

"The Upper Room in Jerusalem: The Most Important Room in Christendom" link:

may I suggest these solemn invocations to the Holy Spirit (Gregorian chants in Latin) be used as an entrance song on Pentecost Sunday mass:
(Note: "Gregorian Chant is the monastic music and chant that was formalized by the Church. It is essentially prayers that are sung by monks, often in latin. Gregorian Chant, in addition to being relaxing, is effective in clearing the air of evil presences. I recommend chant recorded at monasteries, not performed by a commercial choir."- Adam Blai, a peritus in religious demonology and exorcism...

- since Pentecost Sunday is the only day dedicated to the Holy Spirit in the Roman Catholic calendar, this day would be the best day to re-ignite the fire of the Holy Spirit and at the same time unlock/unleash the gifts of the Holy Spirit that is present within each baptized churchgoer via a solemn invocation
- to demonstrate the spiritual strength of our church's mother language which is Latin (the spiritual strength of this language is probably only made visible during exorcims... not all Catholics know about it... i don't know exactly what i'm saying as i'm not really part of any ministry in church)
- for everyone to be blessed

- video with song lyrics link (posted by Stephan George; "Gregorian chant notation from the Liber Usualis (1961), pp. 880-881. Latin lyrics sung by the Benedictine monks of Santo Domingo de Silos."): about: "This sequence prescribed in the Roman Liturgy is particularly unbearable to the demons that cause headaches, fatigue (without reason) and make dozing during prayer. It is also unbearable to the demons who make us nervous, who excited the anger and cause disputes. Spirits invoked in curses do not stand it either." (source:

Veni Sancte Spiritus.
Et emitte caelitus
Lucis tuae rádiumVeni, Pater páuperum.
Veni, dator múnerum
Veni, lumen córdium.Consolator óptime.
Dulcis hospes ánimae,
Dulce refrigérium.In labóre requies,
In aestu tempéries.
In fletu solátium.O lux beatissima,
Reple cordis intima
Tuórum fidélium.Sine tuo númine
Nihil est in hómine.
Nihil est innóxium.Lava quod est sórdidum
Riga quod est áridum
Sana quod est sáucium.Flecte quod est rigidum.
Fove quod est frigidum,
Rege quod est dévium.Da tuis fidélibus,
In te confidéntibus,
Sacrum septenarium.Da virtútis méritutm.
Da salútis éxitum,
Da perénne gáudium.

- video with song lyrics link
(posted by Stephan George; "Gregorian chant notation from the Liber Usualis (1961), p. 885. Latin lyrics sung by the Schola Cantorum of Amsterdam Students."):

Veni, creator, Spiritus,
Mentes tuorum visita,
Imple superna gratia
Quae tu creasti pectora.

Qui diceris Paraclitus,
Altissimi donum Dei.
Fons vivus, ignis, caritas
Et spiritalis unctio.

Tu septiformis munere,
Digitus paternae dexterae.
Tu rite promissum Patris,
Sermone ditans guttura.

Accende lumen sensibus
Infunde amorem cordibus,
Infirma nostri corporis
Virtute firmans perpeti.

Hostem repellas longius
Pacemque dones protinus;
Ductore sic te praevio
Vitemus omne noxium.

Per te sciamus da Patrem,
Noscamus atque Filium;
Teque utriusque Spiritum
Credamus omni tempore.

Deo Patri sit gloria,
Et Filio, qui a mortuis
Surrexit, ac Paraclito
In saeculorum saecula.

- video without lyrics link (posted by Ania Anna):

Veni Sancte Spiritus, tui amoris ignem accende,
Veni Sancte Spiritus, Veni Sancte Spiritus,
(Come Holy Spirit, light the fire of your love)

(St. Augustine)
      Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that I may think what is holy. Guide me, O Holy Spirit, that I may realize what is holy. Attract me to You, O Holy Spirit, that I may love what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, that I may defend what is holy. Defend me, O Holy Spirit, that I may never lose what is holy. Amen.


     On my knees before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses, I offer myself, soul and body to You, Eternal Spirit of God. I adore the brightness of Your purity, the unerring keenness of Your justice, and the might of Your love. You are the Strength and Light of my soul. In You I live and move and am. I desire never to grieve You by unfaithfulness to grace and I pray with all my heart to be kept from the smallest sin against You. Mercifully guard my every thought and grant that I may always watch for Your light, and listen to Your voice and follow Your gracious inspirations. I cling to You and give myself to You and ask You by Your compassion to watch over me in my weakness. Holding the pierced Feet of Jesus and looking at His Five Wounds and trusting in His Precious Blood and adoring His opened Side and stricken Heart I implore You, Adorable Spirit, Helper of my infirmity, so to keep me in Your grace that I may never sin against You. Give me grace O Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Father and the Son to say to You always and everywhere "Speak Lord for Your servant heareth." Amen.

(containts readings, responses and Pentecost sequence):

"Hymn suggestions, Pentecost Sunday, Year A (4 June 2017)" link: