Saint Teresa of Avila / Saint Teresa of Jesus


FEAST DAY: October 15

- 28 March 1515 - 4 October 1582
- a Spanish mystic, writer, contemplative and reformer of the Carmelite order
- one of the foremost writers on mental prayer
- In all her writings on this subject she deals with her personal experiences. Her deep insight and analytical gifts helped her to explain them clearly. Her definition was used in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: "Contemplative prayer [oración mental] in my opinion is nothing else than a close sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us." She used a metaphor of mystic prayer as watering a garden throughout her writings.
- reported visions of Jesus and Mary, was a strong believer in the power of holy water and wrote that she used it with success to repel evil and temptations
- St. Teresa of Jesus, always traveled with her statue of the Infant Jesus when she was establishing new convents. Her devotion to the Infant Jesus was established after a very interesting incident. One day Teresa of Avila was coming down the steps of her convent when she saw a beautiful young boy. The Child spoke to her and said: "Who are you?" Teresa answered: "I am Teresa of Jesus, who are you?" The Child answered: "I am Jesus of Teresa!"

- Habit of the Discalced Carmelites, Book and Quill, arrow-pierced heart
- her symbol is a heart, an arrow and a book

- headache sufferers, Spanish Catholic writers
- bodily ills; headaches; chess; lacemakers; laceworkers; loss of parents; people in need of grace; people in religious orders; people ridiculed for their piety; Požega, Croatia; sick people; sickness; Spain

- "All things must come to the soul from its roots, from where it is planted."
- "For prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God." 
- "Prayer is an act of love; words are not needed. Even if sickness distracts from thoughts, all that is needed is the will to love."
- "It is love alone that gives worth to all things."
- "Let nothing disturb you. 
Let nothing make you afraid. 
All things are passing.
God alone never changes.
Patience gains all things.
If you have God you will want for nothing.
God alone suffices."
St Teresa, The bookmark of Teresa of Ávila
- "I know by frequent experience that there is nothing which puts the devils to flight like holy water."
- "I know the power of obedience has of making things easy which seem impossible."

- "The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus of The Order of Our Lady of Carmel (written by herself: St. Teresa of Avila)" (source: Catholic Spiritual Direction):

- "Teresa of Avila" (source: Wikipedia):
- "St. Teresa of Avila" (source: Catholic Online):
- "St. Teresa of Avila" (source: Catholic Encyclopedia): 
- "St. Teresa of Avila" (source:  American Catholic):
- "Biography of St Teresa Avila" (source: Biography Online):
- "Life of St. Teresa of Jesus, of The Order of Our Lady of Carmel" (source: Christian Classics Ethereal History):
- "Saint Teresa of Avila" (source: Mary Pages):
- "Teresa of Jesus and Thérèse and the Child Jesus" (source: Meditations from Carmel):