Super Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda - 8 November 2013

Some photos gathered from around the web a few days after the typhoon:

Utmost gratitude is extended for all those who have provided humanitarian support/aide to the Filipino people! It took several nations to help rebuild our nation. The resiliency and the hospitality/warmness of the Filipino people is deeply rooted in faith. This is something that the world is not aware of and for the most part it is something that people from different parts of the world cannot comprehend. I am not a victim of super typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda. I'm just an ordinary unemployed person who wishes to share my gifts, in my own little way, to those who might need it. It is because of the victims of this devastation/deluge that this blog had been created.
- 230 km/h (145 mph) - 315 km/h (195 mph)
- fatalities: 6,340 confirmed, 1,061 missing
- known in the Philippines as Typhoon Yolanda- was one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever recorded, which devastated portions of Southeast Asia, particularly the Philippines, on November 8, 2013

In the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Almighty Father, we ask now for You to soak each and every Catholic/Christian soul in the world with the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ to protect us all from all forms of evil spirits, evil people, all forms of calamities, all harm and disease. Please also protect the people, regardless of religion, who are providing humanitarian support for those who are badly in need. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. This we ask in Jesus' name, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Your Holy Angels and all the Saints in heaven. Amen.
May perpetual light shine upon all the displaced souls in the world. Amen.
May they all rest in peace. Amen.


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth. 
Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of all nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be our advocate. Amen.

this short powerful prayer to Our Lady of All Nations (above in bold letters) was dictated by the Blessed Virgin Mary (as the "The Lady of All Nations" or "The Mother of All Nations") to a visionary named Ida Peerdeman (Amsterdam, Netherlands). this prayer can be included after every decade of the Holy Rosary (after the Fatima prayer).

"This prayer has been given for the conversion of the world. Pray this prayer in all that you do." - 31 December 1951 apparition to Ida Peerdeman

links about this prayer:
- in English:
- in other languages:

links about Our Lady of All Nations or Our Mother of All Nations:

Below are some excerpts/messages from the Blessed Virgin Mary via Fr. Gobbi's blue book (Marian Movement of Priests) during our novena to Our Lady of Banneux (also known as "Our Lady of the Poor" and "Our Lady of All Nations"). These readings were done by cutting the book open:
--- "...offer each day the flowers of love and prayer to your heavenly Mother. I ask you to spread more and more the cenacles which I have requested of you so many times.  ... The rosary which you recite has a very great power against evil and against numerous enticements of my Adversary. To the reign of Satan which is spreading; evil which is instilling its venom in hearts; to the snares of the Evil One which have become subtle and dangerous; to the powerful force of Freemasonry which has succeeded in insinuating itself everywhere; to the cult of Satan which is spreading, respond with the prayer of the holy rosary. This is my prayer; it is your prayer. ... The hour of Calvary has arrived for the Church..." (#519)
--- "...Prostrate yourselves with me in an act of profound adoration before the eucharistic Jesus. His real presence among you in the Eucharist, kept with love in all tabernacles of the earth, is a light upon your path; ... it is a balm upon every wound; it is joy in all your sorrows; it is peace which calms every anxiety... Prostrate yourselves with me in prayer of adoration, of thanksgiving and of reparation, to obtain from the Father, from the Son and from the Holy Spirit that there may be a shortening of the time of the great tribulation in which you are now living, in order to enter into the new era which now awaits you. ..." (#463)
--- "... In so many ways have I spoken, but my words have not been harkened to. In many ways I have manifested myself, but my signs have not been given no credence. My interventions, even the most extraordinary, have been contested. O New Jerusalem, Church of Jesus, true Israel of God! ...But now, great tribulations will come upon you. You will be buffeted by the wind of a tempest and a hurricane; ...not a stone will remain upon a stone. O New Jerusalem, accept today my invitation to conversion and interior purification. And thus the new era of justice and holiness can shine forth upon you; your light will spread to all the nations of the earth. And my Son Jesus will establish in your midst the glorious reign of love and peace. ..." (#242)
--- "...Jesus is present in the sacrament of the Eucharist to help you build this unity of yours, to give you an example of how one must love, in total giving to all one's brothers. Come to me together...that I may bring you to Jesus in the sacrament of the Eucharist, awaiting you in his silent immolation, really present among you in all the tabernacles of the world. ..." (#259)
--- "...I want to spread urgent and heartfelt message, so that it may reach all my children.  ...Be converted and return to your God. ..." (#298)